We are neighbors and friends who

value each other and share in

many activities together.

Since 1985 Druid Hills POA has existed to:

Protect all property values Preserve the natural and aesthetic beauty of our neighborhood Be respectful of all property owners Help maintain the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of our homes, our families, and the neighborhood Encourage “community” within Druid Hills
The administration and management of the POA is strictly by volunteer. No board member, secretary, treasurer, webmaster, or committee member receives any compensation for the many personal hours they freely give for the betterment of everyone in the association. We take our fiduciary responsibilities seriously. As you can imagine, there are many expenses required to run and maintain a viable association and we utilize the annual dues in a very controlled and prudent manner in order to achieve the best overall results for all property owners. Here is a brief list of the types of expenses we oversee: Special Community Projects Chipper Rental Dumpster Rental Insurance Legal Services Meeting/Gathering Costs Common Area Mailings/Supplies PO / Safety Deposit Boxes Property Taxes Colorado Secretary of State Annual Registration Colorado Dept. of Regulatory Agencies Annual Registration Website Costs County Filing Fees One of the best ways of discovering the value of the POA is to get involved and to meet and talk with your neighbors at our activities and events. The Druid Hills POA board and officers greatly appreciate your interest in the POA. We work very hard to make it the best for all of the property owners. If you have any questions, feel free to use our website’s contact form.
We are so fortunate to live in an area with so much to see and do. Hiking, world class fishing, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and enriching yourself with the history of the area are just a few.

Here are some great places to enjoy in the area:

Notice: The Druid Hills POA is neither part of or associated with the unofficial and misleading “social club” entity self-identified as Druid Hills Homeowners Association, Druid Hills Home Owners Association, Druid Hills HOA, DH HOA, or DHHOA.


© 2024 Druid Hills Property Owners’ Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2024 Druid Hills Property Owners’ Association, Inc. All rights reserved.


We are neighbors and

friends who value each

other and share in many

activities together.

Since 1985 Druid Hills

POA has existed to:

Protect all property values Preserve the natural and aesthetic beauty of our neighborhood Be respectful of all property owners Help maintain the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of our homes, our families, and the neighborhood Encourage “community” within Druid Hills
The administration and management of the POA is strictly by volunteer. No board member, secretary, treasurer, webmaster, or committee member receives any compensation for the many personal hours they freely give for the betterment of everyone in the association. We take our fiduciary responsibilities seriously. As you can imagine, there are many expenses required to run and maintain a viable association and we utilize the annual dues in a very controlled and prudent manner in order to achieve the best overall results for all property owners. Here is a brief list of the types of expenses we oversee: Special Community Projects Chipper Rental Dumpster Rental Insurance Legal Services Meeting/Gathering Costs Common Area Mailings/Supplies PO / Safety Deposit Boxes Property Taxes Colorado Secretary of State Annual Registration Colorado Dept. of Regulatory Agencies Annual Registration Website Costs County Filing Fees One of the best ways of discovering the value of the POA is to get involved and to meet and talk with your neighbors at our activities and events. The Druid Hills POA board and officers greatly appreciate your interest in the POA. We work very hard to make it the best for all of the property owners. If you have any questions, feel free to use our website’s contact form.
Overhead view of neighbors enjoying an outdoor meal together Southeast view of snow covered Pikes Peak from Garden of the Gods Park
We are so fortunate to live in an area with so much to see and do. Hiking, world class fishing, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and enriching yourself with the history of the area are just a few.

Here are some great

places to enjoy in the area: